Thursday, October 25, 2018

Pecos River Basin Study

Thank you for your interest in the Pecos River Basin Study from Reclamation and NMISC. The Pecos Basin Study is a federal/state collaboration which looks at the latest climate projections for the Pecos Basin and investigates possible outcomes and responses. 

Your input is vital to the success of the study and to help plan for future operations under various future scenarios for water supply and demand in the basin. The next meeting for the Pecos Basin Study will be on Thursday, October 25 from  1 pm to 3:30 pm at the Roswell Office of the State Engineer, 1900 West Second St. This meeting will be a chance to introduce our modeling results and to discuss input and next steps.  

We can send you three documents for your review. These are preliminary and numbers and content have not been reviewed, so it is subject to change. However, we want to be as transparent as possible and to provide what we have now so we can work with you to make this an effective foundation for any future actions in the basin. 

 Please pass this information on to anyone you think would be interested.  We want to ensure that the report accurately captures input from local water users. The three documents are:

1. A one-page summary factsheet to introduce the study, results so far, and next steps. 

2. A detailed description of the problem and need, districts, potential options, and basic results. 

3. A very detailed draft presentation with model results so far.

They are two large to post here but if you send me your e-mail I will forward them on to you.  Send your request to
They will go over all materials in the meeting and can answer questions at the meeting or at a later date, so you don't really have to study them this weekend!

This material does not have the technical details on the modeling. Rather, it has our preliminary descriptions of the problem and need, irrigation districts, strategies, and basic results. 


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