NEW MEXICO GROUNDWATER CONFERENCE July 20 & 21, 2020 State Bar of New Mexico, 5121 Masthead NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87199 |
resources play an important role in New Mexico’s drinking water supply in urban
and rural areas. Additional water needs for mining, oil & gas, industry,
agriculture, and for sustaining ecology add demand stress to an already limited
supply. There are likely to be future constraints on stream flow dependability
and aquifer recharge rates. Realistic water planning to achieve optimal use of
the state’s aquifers is essential if New Mexico is to achieve a long term
sustainable supply/demand balance. The Annual New Mexico Groundwater
Conference will explore the next frontiers in water planning and

- Application will be submitted to the State Bar of NM for Attorneys for CLE Hours
- Application will be submitted to the Office of State Engineer for Well Drillers for CE Hours
- Application will be submitted to the NM Environment Department for Water Operators for Training Credits